Amazone DUW Double-U profile roller

The DUW Double U-Profile roller (diameter: 2 x 580 mm) is, as well as the single UW U-Profile roller, recommended when a high carrying ability, a high through-passage and, at the same time, a good levelling effect are the focus. Due to the “soil-to-soil” contact of the U-profiles, any wear is minimal. Thanks to double the number of U-profile rings on two rollers, the Double U-Profile roller provides an even higher carrying ability. In addition, the roller, thanks to the narrower spacing, achieves a shallower reconsolidation in the direction of travel than the single U-Profile roller. Again, thanks to its design, the Double U-Profile roller suffers very little wear. As an option, a following harrow for the additional crumbling and levelling is available from choice.