APV GP 300 M1 and GP 600 M1 Pro Harrow (New)

The Grassland Pro Harrow GP 300 M1 and GP 600 M1 is very well suited for meadow cultivation, for reseeding and the new seeding of grass. Due to the unique combination of 12 mm and 8 mm tines, the sward is optimally processed.




    • Decimating of unwelcome weeds
    • Soil cultivation
    • Aeration
    • Soil stimulation
    • Optimal yield of new grass
    • Re-consolidating of soil


    • The Grassland Pro Harrow has a spring-mounted levelling plate for levelling molehills or asperities.
    • Followed by two harrow sections with cranked tines of various thicknesses. This combination is unique in agricultural engineering.
    • The tools can be used individually (for example only the roller) or in combination with other tools, depending on the application.