- Aerators
- Bale Lifters
- Brushes
- Buckets
- Cultivators
- Diet Feeders
- Harrows
- Harvesters
- Hoppers
- Levellers
- Livestock Trailers
- Mower Conditioners
- Mowers
- Other Machinery
- Ploughs
- Rakes
- Ramps
- Rollers
- Seed Drills
- Shear Grabs
- Slurry Mixers
- Slurry Pumps
- Slurry Tankers
- Sowers
- Sprayers
- Spreaders
- Sweepers
- Tedders
- Toppers
- Trailers
- Wrappers / Balers
- Yard Scrapers
Ranging in weight from 2—8 ton Biddy offers by far the smartest machine on the market. Our unique spiral design results in an even pull behind the tractor. Usually aeration can be completed in one-smooth pass at speeds of 15-20 KPH. Having the ability to fill the main drum with water guarantees maximum blade penetration in all conditions, from hard-baked clays to stony soil conditions. This means aeration can be done at the optimum time to ensure a deep shattering effect, not just when the soil is soft enough, which can often result in smearing.
During the aerating process, the Biddy land aerator will also take care of any protruding stones above ground lev-el. The large diameter barrel will eliminate the need of a basic land roller as well as helping the aerating process by increasing the strike force.
Made from Hardox 500 steel, our blades have a clever self-sharpening design. The hardened blades are capable of working in all conditions from heavy clays to rocky pastures. Even then, they have an exceptionally long life expectancy. While other lightweight aerators will solve surface issues, Biddy machines look after the subsoil too.
Although surface cuts are the first step in the improvement process, deep shattering is the very important second step. Having the subsoil fractured or “mellowed”, the roots can make the most of moisture and nutrients at depth. Critical to this is timing, deep shattering will only occur when the soil is dry but lightweight aerators won’t penetrate when the surface is hard. Only a heavy-duty, heavyweight Biddy machine is capable of doing the whole job.
Heavy duty Construction
Various working widths
20mm Hardox 500 Blades
Double chamfered blades to reduce stress
Heavy duty 80mm shaft bearings