Fleming Soilmaster

The Fleming Soilmaster is an ideal tool for cultivating the soil for seedbed preparation for crops and preparing new grassland pasture.

The 4 cultivating operations in one pass leave a good tilth for seed germination and growth.

The heavy duty levelling bar does the primary breakdown and levelling.

Requires a minimum of 90 Horsepower.

For Equestrian Use

For horse arenas, paddocks, gallops, etc. The Solimaster leaves an excellent finish for horses to work out on. The levelling bar evens out bumps and hollows, while the 2 rows of adjustable tines gyrate while working to loosen the compacted material to the required depth. Any remaining lumps are broken up by the floating breaker boards leaving the heavy duty crumbler to consolidate a firm level surface to the required depth and consistency. The fine control of the tines eliminates the possibility of tearing any underlying membrane.



Benefits include

  • Very low maintenance and low cost
  • 2 rows of tines enter the soil at a more vertical angle lowering the possiblity of bringing up stones and sods
  • Creates a firm level seed bed for cereals or grass
  • Speeds up the drilling process