Fleming Tandem Lead Land Roller

2.5M (83010T) & 3M (103010T)

Fleming Agri-Products have been manufacturing landrollers for over 40 years which has resulted in a wealth of technical experience in the field.

The Fleming Tandem Lead Roller was designed for farmers or large land owners as it has the ability to roll a large area of land at once. It is a cost effective piece of machinery with the benefits of rolling a high acreage of land which results in a high level of performance.



Features Include:

  • Can roll up to 31 acres per hour
  • Tandem lead roller can be used with existing on farm roller
  • Lead roller can be set for use with either 2.5m or 3m following roller
  • Lead roller drawing arm can be folded for drawing rollers in-line for easy field access
  • Easy change from transport to working position. (no heavy lifting)