- Aerators
- Bale Lifters
- Brushes
- Buckets
- Cultivators
- Diet Feeders
- Harrows
- Harvesters
- Hoppers
- Levellers
- Livestock Trailers
- Mower Conditioners
- Mowers
- Other Machinery
- Ploughs
- Rakes
- Ramps
- Rollers
- Seed Drills
- Shear Grabs
- Slurry Mixers
- Slurry Pumps
- Slurry Tankers
- Sowers
- Sprayers
- Spreaders
- Sweepers
- Tedders
- Toppers
- Trailers
- Wrappers / Balers
- Yard Scrapers
Trioliet Triomix (P) 1 AL self-loading mixer feeder wagon
The Triomix AL is a silage cutter and mixer feeder with conveyor belt in the back, also available with straw blower (P). Cut silage, mix and discharge feed, and even spread straw with a single machine. This is something you can now do, thanks to the multifunction Triomix (P) AL. This self loading mixer feeder wagon is equipped with a mechanically powered straw blower, capable of blowing straw into the barn up to a distance of 25 metres. Hay, straw, round and square bales are no problem for the Triomix. The discharge conveyor is located at the rear of the Triomix P.
- U-form frame with hydraulic cutting knive system
- Adjustable and reversible drawbar with 40 mm drawbar eye
- Cross conveyer belt behind the mixing tub
- Large dual wheels + hydraulic brakes
- Camera system
- 1 vertical Twin Stream auger (15mm)
- Hydraulic loading system
- Trioform auger knives
- Wear ring
- Wide angle PTO-shaft
- Sealing brush at loading board
- Electric operation
- 1 Restrictor-blade
Also available with straw bedder (P)
- Mechanically driven (by V-belts) strawbedder at front
- Low blower pipe for spreading width up to 25m