- Aerators
- Bale Lifters
- Brushes
- Buckets
- Cultivators
- Diet Feeders
- Harrows
- Harvesters
- Hoppers
- Levellers
- Livestock Trailers
- Mower Conditioners
- Mowers
- Other Machinery
- Ploughs
- Rakes
- Ramps
- Rollers
- Seed Drills
- Shear Grabs
- Slurry Mixers
- Slurry Pumps
- Slurry Tankers
- Sowers
- Sprayers
- Spreaders
- Sweepers
- Tedders
- Toppers
- Trailers
- Wrappers / Balers
- Yard Scrapers
Amazone ZA-X twin disc spreader
The twin disc spreader for smaller to medium sized arable farms and grassland farms. The ZA-X Perfect allows convenient adjustment and the accurate spreading of all commercial types of fertiliser up to 18 m and with Urea up to 15 m.