- Aerators
- Bale Lifters
- Brushes
- Buckets
- Cultivators
- Diet Feeders
- Harrows
- Harvesters
- Hoppers
- Levellers
- Livestock Trailers
- Mower Conditioners
- Mowers
- Other Machinery
- Ploughs
- Rakes
- Ramps
- Rollers
- Seed Drills
- Shear Grabs
- Slurry Mixers
- Slurry Pumps
- Slurry Tankers
- Sowers
- Sprayers
- Spreaders
- Sweepers
- Tedders
- Toppers
- Trailers
- Wrappers / Balers
- Yard Scrapers
Fleming 10 Ton Monoque Tipping Trailer
Fleming Tipping Trailers are designed to operate in all environments from agriculture to building and construction.
The Fleming Tipping Trailer range is designed with a strong and sturdy structure which allows for multi-purpose use.
– Solid construction Monocoque body for extra strength
– Large capacity of 12cu.m
– 4.35m x 2.25m x 1.2m (14ft3” x 7ft2” x 4ft)
– Structural steel 200mm x 100mm box section channel chassis with 8 stud axles on 385/55/22.5 tyres
– Optional tarpaulin cover
– Optional grain shoot
– High tip for clean unloading with high specification H.D 3 stage Tipping Hyd. cylinder
– Hydraulic brakes & lights and reflective triangles as standard
– Lights fitted in protective channel
– Spring suspension creates less stress on the trailer structure resulting in longer maintenance free operation
– Slim-line reinforced draw-bar with galvanised parking shoe, hose and cable stand as standard
4.35m x 2.23m x 60cm (14ft3” x 7ft2” X 2ft)