Fleming 10 Ton Monoque Tipping Trailer

Fleming Tipping Trailers are designed to operate in all environments from agriculture to building and construction.
The Fleming Tipping Trailer range is designed with a strong and sturdy structure which allows for multi-purpose use.




– Solid construction Monocoque body for extra strength
– Large capacity of 12cu.m
– 4.35m x 2.25m x 1.2m (14ft3” x 7ft2” x 4ft)
– Structural steel 200mm x 100mm box section channel chassis with 8 stud axles on 385/55/22.5 tyres
– Optional tarpaulin cover
– Optional grain shoot

– High tip for clean unloading with high specification H.D 3 stage Tipping Hyd. cylinder
– Hydraulic brakes & lights and reflective triangles as standard
– Lights fitted in protective channel
– Spring suspension creates less stress on the trailer structure resulting in longer maintenance free operation
– Slim-line reinforced draw-bar with galvanised parking shoe, hose and cable stand as standard
4.35m x 2.23m x 60cm (14ft3” x 7ft2” X 2ft)